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FSSAI Meat and Poultry


Read about the FSSAI’s meat and poultry standards in India. Stay complaint-free by following the process.


It covers information on FSSAI meat safety, FSSAI meat processing guidelines, and standards.

  • Get an introduction to the FSSAI role in meat and poultry regulation
  • Get comprehensive guidance on FSSAI's meat products
  • Understand the processing and safety standards for meat and poultry
  • Read in detail about packaging and storage guidelines
  • Know about transportation standards for meat and poultry.
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    Overview of FSSAI Meat and Poultry

    1. According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), "meat" is defined as all edible parts (including edible offal) of any food animal slaughtered in an abattoir that are intended for or have been judged to be safe and suitable for human consumption; "offal" means all the body parts of slaughtered food animals other than the carcass.
    1. FSSAI provides guidelines for meat storage to prevent contamination and spoilage. These guidelines ensure proper temperature control, hygiene practices, and packaging techniques. Additionally, the agency sets microbiological standards for meat and meat products, minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses. These guidelines are crucial for maintaining the safety and quality of meat products throughout the supply chain.
    1. FSSAI promotes proper temperature control, hygiene practices, and packaging techniques to prevent contamination and spoilage. These guidelines are crucial for maintaining the safety and quality of meat products throughout the supply chain. Criteria for meat quality established by FSSAI include parameters such as appearance, texture, flavour, and nutritional composition. These criteria ensure that meat products meet acceptable quality standards and provide consumers with safe and wholesome food options.

    Introduction to FSSAI's Role in Meat and Poultry Regulation

    1. Over the past thirty years, poultry, which began as a backyard hobby in India, has experienced a radical transformation. With over 50 billion eggs and over 4.7 billion kg of poultry meat produced annually, India ranks fourth in the world for both egg and poultry meat production. The average per capita consumption of poultry meat in India is estimated to be 4.5 kg, compared to the global average of 125 eggs and 10.50 kg recommended by the World Health Organisation. The combined value of the layer and broiler poultry industries is currently projected to be ₹1,00,000 crore.
    1. Proper attention is necessary at every stage from animal slaughter to consumption to ensure quality. According to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2014, 71% of the Indian population consumed meat.
    1. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plays a crucial role in regulating the meat and poultry industry to ensure food safety and hygiene standards are upheld. It establishes and enforces regulations governing the production, processing, packaging, labelling, and distribution of meat and poultry products.

    FSSAI's Comprehensive Guidance for Meat and Meat Products

    FSSAI provides complete guidance for the regulation and safety of meat and meat products. This guidance encompasses a wide range of standards and protocols aimed at ensuring the quality, hygiene, and safety of meat throughout the supply chain. From slaughter to processing, packaging, transportation, and storage, FSSAI's guidelines cover every aspect of the meat industry to safeguard consumer health and uphold regulatory standards. Here is a complete outline for the same:

    • The animal housing, holding pens, and quarantine areas must maintain hygienic conditions and be situated at an appropriate distance from the processing plant
    • Adequate disposal methods such as incinerators or burial pits should be in place for condemned carcasses and waste materials
    • It is essential to have separate departments for raw meat processing, filling, and cooked meat processing, along with thorough checks on the meat supply source
    • Records should be maintained for the daily number of animals slated for slaughter and the method of slaughter, whether Halal, Jhatka, etc., must be identified
    • Slaughter facilities and equipment must meet sufficient standards, including provisions for ante/post mortem examinations and records of qualified veterinary professionals involved
    • Comprehensive record-keeping, including arrival and examination of raw meat, should be integrated with the slaughterhouse if necessary
    • Foolproof meat inspection arrangements, conducted by either qualified veterinarians or technically skilled personnel, are imperative
    • Equipment should be positioned at appropriate heights for efficient meat inspection. Separate, clean drums or containers should be provided in each department (e.g., slaughter hall, deboning, cooking, filling) for storing glands, waste, tissues, bones, blood clots, etc., with suitable trolleys for quick transportation/removal
    • Clear labelling (e.g., clean or unclean) on storage receptacles and trolleys should prevent cross-contamination and aid easy identification
    • Raw and cooked meat should be stored separately in designated cold storage areas, maintaining cleanliness and appropriate labelling of bins
    • Proper labelling and packaging of additives, curing agents, etc., are necessary to prevent access and contamination by rodents and insects.

    Processing and Safety Standards for Meat and Poultry

    Manufacturing and Processing Parameters

    • These products are allowed to contain ingredients that are either standardised or permitted for use in the preparation of other standardised foods according to these regulations
    • Food additives may be included in the product as outlined in Appendix A
    • The product must adhere to the microbiological requirements specified in Appendix B.

    Critical Control Points in Meat Processing

    Conduct a Hazard Analysis

    Conducting a hazard analysis is an essential step for every meat producer within their HACCP plan. The primary objective of this analysis is to guarantee the safety and quality of meat products by identifying potential sources of contamination, spoilage, or other adverse events throughout the processing stages, from slaughter to packaging.

    Addressing contamination risks at the earliest production stages is crucial to maintaining product integrity. Detecting and removing contaminants at this stage is not only cost-effective but also prevents downstream complications.

    Employ Smart Systems and Processes

    Implementing smart, automated systems is essential to ensure that no contaminated products leave the production facility, especially considering the possibility of contaminants entering from suppliers. The use of an X-Ray food inspection system, like those offered by Eagle PI, automates foreign body detection and chemical lean analysis, reducing lean giveaway and enhancing food safety simultaneously.

    Establish Monitoring Procedures

    Establishing robust monitoring procedures is critical to ensuring product safety throughout the production process. Utilising advanced food safety technology such as X-Ray machines, equipped with dual-energy X-Ray technology, enhances contamination detection capabilities, even for the smallest foreign particles.

    Create Documentation Procedure

    Documentation procedures, including HACCP plans, enable early corrective action to mitigate food safety hazards in the meat processing industry. Comprehensive record-keeping aids in compliance and enhances the effectiveness of identifying critical control points and implementing preventive measures during production.

    Packaging, Storage, and Transportation Guidelines

    FSSAI offers complete guidelines for the packaging, storage, and transportation of food products, ensuring their safety and quality throughout the supply chain. These guidelines encompass best practices for packaging materials, storage conditions, temperature control, sanitation protocols, and transportation procedures. By adhering to these guidelines, stakeholders in the food industry can mitigate risks of contamination, spoilage, and other hazards, ultimately upholding FSSAI's standards for consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

    Packaging Material and Meat Storage

    Here are few FSSAI Meat packaging specification guidelines:

    • Use new sanitary tinplate cans, internally lacquered with a sulfur-resistant, fat and brine insoluble lacquer, sealed hermetically post-filling
    • Ensure that cans intended for pork luncheon meat are internally coated with edible gelatin, lard, or lined with vegetable parchment paper before filling.
    • Poultry Processing guidelines for meat products in hermetically sealed containers to endure spoilage during commercial storage and transport conditions.

    Transportation Standards for Meat and Poultry

    Outlined below are the essential standards that must be adhered to ensure the safe transportation of meat and poultry products:

    • Proper refrigeration and temperature control throughout the storage and transportation process to prevent spoilage and contamination
    • Diligent management of transportation units and storage facilities to mitigate the risk of cross-contamination
    • Correct packing procedures to uphold food safety standards, including the use of suitable packing materials, maintaining pallet quality, and implementing appropriate loading practices
    • Ensuring sanitation of equipment during unloading and avoiding leaving raw materials unattended on loading docks after hours
    • Implementation of effective pest control measures within transportation units and storage facilities
    • Providing comprehensive training on food safety and security protocols to all personnel involved, including employees, supervisors, managers, owners, and drivers
    • Construction of storage facilities and transportation units designed to minimise vulnerabilities such as roof leaks, door gaps, and condensation issues
    • Regular maintenance of storage facilities and transportation units to address structural issues and uphold hygiene standards
    • Establishment of clear policies and proper use of security seals to ensure the safe and secure storage and transport of food products
    • Proper handling and tracking of rejected loads, salvaged, reworked, or returned products, and products destined for disposal
    • Implementation of appropriate holding practices for food products awaiting shipment or inspection, including timely rotation and throughput measures, and avoiding the shipment of quarantined products.

    Traceability, Recall Systems, and Non-Conforming Products

    Implementing Food Traceability and Recall

    A recall is an action taken to take food products that violate the Act or its rules and regulations off the market at any point in the food chain, including those that are in the possession of consumers and may be dangerous for the public's health.

    According to Section 28(1) of the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006, a food business operator must take immediate action to remove the food in question from the market and notify consumers of the reason for its withdrawal, as well as notify the appropriate authorities, if they believe or have reason to believe that the food they have processed, manufactured, or distributed is not in compliance with this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder.

    It is in everyone's best interests—industry, government, and especially consumers—to recall food products. Equal consumer protection is provided by recalls, which are typically quicker and more effective than formal administrative or civil proceedings—particularly in cases when the product in question has been widely circulated.

    Every entity involved in contemporary supply chains should implement efficient procedures enabling swift identification, location, and withdrawal of food batches upon suspicion or confirmation of issues. This necessitates adopting business practices facilitating tracking and tracing of products across the entire supply chain. Meat product Traceability serves various business objectives, including:

    • Managing product recalls and market withdrawal
    • Ensuring regulatory compliance
    • Facilitating market access
    • Conducting public health trace-backs
    • Enhancing food safety and quality assurance
    • Streamlining process and order management..

    Managing Rework and Non-Conforming Products

    • Clearly identify rework and non-conforming products through labelling or segregation
    • Ensure the physical separation of rework and non-conforming products from conforming products to prevent contamination
    • Maintain detailed records of rework and non-conforming products, documenting reasons for non-conformance and the corrective actions taken
    • Determine the appropriate disposition of non-conforming products, such as rework, reprocessing, or disposal, based on risk assessment and regulatory guidelines
    • Implement corrective actions addressing the root cause of non-conformance to prevent recurrence
    • Provide training to personnel handling rework and non-conforming products to ensure adherence to proper procedures
    • Regularly monitor the effectiveness of rework and non-conformance management procedures and verify compliance with FSSAI regulations
    • Communicate with relevant stakeholders, including suppliers and customers, regarding any issues with rework and non-conforming products
    • Continuously review and improve processes for managing rework and non-conforming products to enhance food safety and compliance with FSSAI standards
    • Conduct regular internal audits to assess compliance with FSSAI requirements and identify areas for improvement in managing rework and non-conforming products.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the key FSSAI guidelines for meat and poultry safety?


    How does FSSAI ensure the quality of meat and poultry through physico-chemical testing?


    What manufacturing and processing parameters does FSSAI set for poultry products?


    What are the FSSAI's requirements for the storage and packaging of meat products?


    How are transportation standards regulated by FSSAI for meat and poultry?


    What is the significance of food traceability and recall for meat products?


    How does FSSAI address the management of allergens in meat processing?


    What guidelines does FSSAI provide for handling rework and non-conforming meat products?

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