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Trademark Renewal


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Keep your trademark valid and up to date so your brand is always protected, only with Zolvit.

Here’s How It Works

In three easy steps, your trademark can be registered for a decade and renewed indefinitely through Zolvit. We make the process as easy as possible.

  • How-Service-Works


    Ensure all required documents are submitted

  • How-Service-Works


    Zolvit will prepare your trademark renewal forms.

  • How-Service-Works


    Upon filing, a priority update will be provided.


Here’s What You’ll Need

You need to follow these steps when it's time to renew your trademark. To ensure your documents are always secure, Zolvit uses best-in-industry security protocols.

  • Application Proof: PAN card and address

  • Certificate of registration (other than an individual applicant)

  • Certificate of trademark registration issued by the Registry

  • Power of Attorney: Allows the attorney to file the trademark renewal application on your behalf with the trademark registry

  • TM-A copy: This is the registration application filed with the TM Registry.

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    Zolvit makes trademark renewal easy when it's time

    Did you know

    Did you know?

    Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, and Ahmedabad are India's five trademark registry offices. When a trademark is registered, its holder gets special rights to its use and is protected by law against infringement. The limitation period for registered trademarks is ten years. At the request of another party, a trademark may be cancelled if it has not been used for five years.

      Non-renewal has severe consequences. As a result, any other person could claim the trademark and register it in their name.


      In India, when do I need to renew my trademark?


      Can I renew the trademark even after the expiry period of 10 years?


      Is a Fire Certificate a Mandate for a Trader Before Availing of the Trade License?


      What if the trademark expires?


      What are the consequences of failure to renew the trademark?


      Will there be any rights changes after the renewal of the trademark?


      Is the trademark valid outside India?


      Overview - Overview of Trade License or Registration

      To start a business in India, you need a trade license. A trade license is a document that allows you to start a business in a specific trade in a specific area. An entrepreneur is assured of starting a business if the appropriate state government issues a trade license. In addition to not granting property ownership, a trade license does not allow the applicant to trade in only one particular business. Municipal Corporation regulates trade license acts by the State Government and issued after consulting with departments such as health, fire, engineering, etc. An enterprise that obtains a trade license must follow the rules, regulations, and guidelines. A Trade License ensures that an enterprise or business is not engaging in unethical practices or using hazardous materials that may harm those living within a defined area. By issuing it, the government can regulate trade activities across the country

        Benefits - Benefits of Trade License or Registration

          Avoiding Frivolous Lawsuits


          Ownership Rights Expansion


          The Security of Brand Names


          Returns on Capital


          Checklist - Checklist For Trademark Renewal

          • A registered trademark owned by the proprietor, subject to renewal
          • Commercial use should be considered when determining eligibility
          • Conduct a trademark search of the eminent and licensed trademark databases to ensure there are no similar trademarks
          • It is prudent to get a legal opinion if there is a conflict of trademarks
          • Prepare a renewal application and comply with the conditions of renewal.

          Process - Trademark Renewal With Zolvit

          There's a three-step process for renewing a trademark with Zolvit.

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            Once you send us your details, a representative will contact you to discuss your requirements and explain the process and charges. A trademark renewal or restoration would incur different charges.

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            Renewal Application

            We will begin working on your Trademark Renewal application and prepare the necessary documentation. In addition to renewal fees, Form-10 or Form-12 must be filed with the registration

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            Within four to five months, you will receive confirmation that your trademark has been renewed for another decade


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          Please note that we are a facilitating platform enabling access to reliable professionals. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal services ourselves. The information on this website is for the purpose of knowledge only and should not be relied upon as legal advice or opinion.
